Depression is not just sadness, it is a serious, but common condition, which often causes people to feel sad or empty for long periods of time. It can be a devastating illness that affects your body, mood, behaviour and thoughts. It is not a sign of weakness or failure. It can affect thinking patterns physical health and in some cases, it can lead people to consider suicide.
Depression is categorised by its severity:
mild depression – has some impact on your daily life
moderate depression – has a significant impact on your daily life
severe depression – makes it almost impossible to get through daily life
Some of the common reasons behind the development of depression include distressing life events, bereavement, childhood experiences, bad circumstances, alcohol and illness.
The symptoms of depression are varied and affect people differently. Below are some common symptoms associated with depression. Its important to note that this is not a comprehensive list and you do not need to have all the symptoms to be depressed.
Psychological symptoms
Constantly anxious, tearful and worried
Feelings of hopelessness and that life isn't worth living
Feeling irritable and intolerant of others
Not getting any enjoyment out of life
No motivation or interest in things you used to enjoy
Self Harm
Suicidal thoughts
Physical symptoms
Disturbed sleep
Lack of energy
Loss of Libido
Speaking more slowly than usual
Unexplained aches and pains
For women, a change to your menstrual cycle
How can counselling help me
Counselling gives the opportunity to discuss the concerns and symptoms someone may be experiencing in life, without judgement. It helps a person understand why they may be experiencing depression and then put a plan in place to assist recovery.
Remember that support is available, you are not alone and you won't always feel this way.